Coffee Plantations and the Soil

Coffee plantations need to consider the physical properties of soil on coffee trees. Soil physical properties include texture, structure, water, and air in the soil. Land to plant coffee varies, according to a state where the plant. In general, the coffee plants require in the upper layers of soil, friable, fertile, humus and contains a lot of permeable, or in other words, the texture of the soil should be good.

Structure / texture of the soil is good, for example soil derived from volcanic ash, or that contain enough sand. Circulation of air and water in the soil, will run properly. Land for coffee plantations should not have that shallow ground water, as it can rot the roots. At least 3 m depth of ground water from the surface. The roots of coffee plants have a high oxygen demand, that means the soil that poorly drained and heavy clay is not suitable. Besides the land was difficult to penetrate the roots, water and air circulation will become bad.

Heavy sandy soil, in general, less moisture capacity, because it is less able to bind water. Besides heavy sand soil also contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen is needed by coffee plants, especially in vegetative growth. This can be evidenced in the growth of plants in the jungle lands newly opened. In general, plants are growing and the result is very satisfactory, since humus contains a variety of substances that are needed by plants for growth and fruiting.

On land planted with coffee repeatedly (replanted) growth and the results are less satisfactory. So if this is deemed necessary to re-plant should be replaced with plants that are not similar, because different plants of coffee plantations need different nutrients as well.