Short History of Coffee Plantation in Indonesia
Coffee plants is not native to Indonesia, but the types of plants derived from the African continent. In advance has been stated that the coffee plant was brought to the island of Java in 1696, but at that time still in experimental stage.
In Java, this coffee plant gets full attention, in 1699, because these plants can grow and produce well. Indonesia imported coffee seeds from Yemen. At that time, the type that is imported Arabica coffee.
The experiment was originally located in the vicinity of Jakarta. After a trial planting in that area it worked well, then the seeds were distributed to the Regents in West Java to be planted in their respective areas; turn out also well.
These results must be submitted to a VOC with a very low price, with the submission by force. Then the plant which was originally only as experimental plant, eventually becoming a forced crop to farmers.
Having known that the coffee plant was the result continues to increase, then the expansion of the plant continue to be improved, especially in Java. Furthermore, the plant was further enforced with the existence of "Culturstelsel".
Since then, many entrepreneurs that expanding their operations in the field of plantation, especially in Central Java and East Java in the lands of private enterprise. Further crops were greater after the Agrarian Law issued in 1870 the plantation company could expand its business in the State-owned land with a very long term.
At first the coffee-growing plantations is widely available in central Java, the Semarang area, Sala; Kedu and in East Java, especially in the area Besuki and Malang.
Being located in Lampung in Sumatra, Palembang, Sumatra, West and East Sumatra. So until today many State-owned plantation companies derived from foreign companies.
Because of the widespread plantations of coffee, then the result can be abundant, but production has not reached its peak, the attacks arise suddenly leaves a highly malignant disease, causing huge losses.
Leaf disease known as "Hemileia vastatrix". In a short time, this leaves the disease can spread to everywhere. Every effort is made but was unsuccessful.
A very severe attack occurred on the plantations in the lowlands.
It can be concluded that this type of Arabica is not suitable when planted in the lowlands.
To solve the damage against the disease "Hemileia vastatrix". In 1875 it imported types Liberika originating from West Africa. This species was thought to be more resistant to "Hemileia vastatrix", but reality is not.
Coffea Liberika grown as embroidery, for Arabica coffee that dead. Since the occurrence of a mixture of both types of plants that there will be a new offspring, which raised the new hybrids. It turned out that hybrids are more resistant to "Hemileia vastatrix". Because the types are very sensitive to the disease "Hemileia vastatrix", then in 1900, Linden sent to Java coffee canephora in world trade that known as Robusta coffee from Brussels. Apparently this robusta coffee growing well, and more resistant to "Hemileia vastatrix", although not 100%.
Indeed sometimes Robusta coffee also got a severe attack, but can be recovered and the results are better than Liberika. Finally, many employers replace Liberika and Arabica coffee to Robusta coffee, that was not only highly resistant to "Hemileia vastatrix," but also relatively more easily grown and have higher productivity than the Arabica coffee.
Robusta coffee has no smell like the aroma of coffee Arabica coffee, therefore it is good quality and the price is assessed lower. However, the commercial can be accounted for, because its production is quite high, in addition to planting a smaller risk.
Since the twentieth century, Indonesia, which produces that Arabica coffee in the world market with the title Java Coffea, eventually switching to robusta coffee anyway. Since then, when people talk about Indonesian coffee, then the question in general is Robusta coffee.
Coffee plantation and the influence of wind
Coffee trees are not resistant to shock winds, especially in the dry season. Because the wind will enhance the evaporation of water on the soil surface estate. In addition to enhanced evaporation, wind can also break and lay down the high tree protectors, so can damage coffee plants underneath.
To reduce the severity of the wind shock, at the edges of plantations can be planted windbreak tree. Except that shade trees can also reduce the rush of wind shaking the coffee tree.
To reduce the severity of the wind shock, at the edges of plantations can be planted windbreak tree. Except that shade trees can also reduce the rush of wind shaking the coffee tree.
Coffee plantation and climate
Climate immense influence on the productivity of coffee plants. Climatic influence began to appear since the primary branches before flowering. And this continues to be felt at the time of flower opening up to the course of pollination, the growth of young fruit to grow old and ripe fruit, in coffee plants.
Towards the dry season is generally the weather began to clear, the air is never an cloudy. Because the rain has begun to diminish, it means that solar radiation will be more, then the temperature will also rise.
Primary branches (plagiotrop) grown flowers begin to prepare for growth.
Therefore, more and more radiation, then the preparation of the formation of flowers on the coffee tree will be faster. Conversely, if irradiation is reduced is reduced, the preparation is slow and the amount of interest in the preparation of coffee trees is also low.
Towards the dry season is generally the weather began to clear, the air is never an cloudy. Because the rain has begun to diminish, it means that solar radiation will be more, then the temperature will also rise.
Primary branches (plagiotrop) grown flowers begin to prepare for growth.
Therefore, more and more radiation, then the preparation of the formation of flowers on the coffee tree will be faster. Conversely, if irradiation is reduced is reduced, the preparation is slow and the amount of interest in the preparation of coffee trees is also low.
Coffee plantation and rainfall
The influence of rainfall on coffee plants, which is important is not much, but equity or distribution of rainfall in a period of one year.
The minimum in one year is about 1000-2000mm, while the optimum around 1750-2500mm. In Indonesia rainfall reaches 2500-3500 mm.
Rainfall exceeding this limit is also good, but if the higher location of the area, usually very short dry season. Though a rather long dry season is also very necessary to obtain high production. Robusta coffee requires dry season which lasts 3-4 months. But at that time there is rain often enough, at least there are still about 80 mm of rain per month, or with a frequency of 2 or 3 times.
Coffee plants require a dry season maximum of 1 ½ months before the blossom; being the dry period after blossom as far as possible not exceeding 2 weeks. In connection with the rain in the dry season, the areas to distinguish between the "wet area" and the "dry".
An arid regions, the rainy season ends in mid-March. Usually in April rainfall has begun to diminish, in June and August were very dry drought. Rainfall began to increase again in late November, which is the beginning of the next rainy season.
The composition of precipitation in wet areas, essentially no different from the dry areas, but rainfall and the amount of rainfall was higher, and his time is also somewhat different.
The minimum in one year is about 1000-2000mm, while the optimum around 1750-2500mm. In Indonesia rainfall reaches 2500-3500 mm.
Rainfall exceeding this limit is also good, but if the higher location of the area, usually very short dry season. Though a rather long dry season is also very necessary to obtain high production. Robusta coffee requires dry season which lasts 3-4 months. But at that time there is rain often enough, at least there are still about 80 mm of rain per month, or with a frequency of 2 or 3 times.
Coffee plants require a dry season maximum of 1 ½ months before the blossom; being the dry period after blossom as far as possible not exceeding 2 weeks. In connection with the rain in the dry season, the areas to distinguish between the "wet area" and the "dry".
An arid regions, the rainy season ends in mid-March. Usually in April rainfall has begun to diminish, in June and August were very dry drought. Rainfall began to increase again in late November, which is the beginning of the next rainy season.
The composition of precipitation in wet areas, essentially no different from the dry areas, but rainfall and the amount of rainfall was higher, and his time is also somewhat different.
A Brief History of Coffee
A brief history of coffee of course can not be separated from the process of making coffee beverages derived from coffee beans. Why do we need to underline the coffee beans is because a source says that at first people are not drinking coffee from ground coffee beans, but the liquid of a fresh coffee leaves or others are using the skin of the coffee fruit that brewed with hot water.
Of course it's not as good as coffee powder, but can also refresh the body, so the fans were not so widespread. Having found a way to cook a perfect ground coffee, using beans cooked then dried and powdered used as a beverage ingredient, ultimately fans of coffee quickly expanded in various areas.
Coffee beans that have been dried, then fried and crushed or ground into powder as a powder for making drinks. User countries coffee is first of all Arabia (mid XV century).
Finally, coffee beverages is widespread in the Middle Eastern countries such as in Cairo in 1510 and Constantinople (Turkey) ± in the year 1550. Later in the year 1616 this coffee started to go in Europe, namely in Venice. While in England the new coffee consumption in the year 1650. And in the year 1775, England has approximatly 3000 coffee shop.
In earlier times, drinks coffee is mainly known in the Arab States, because the State was the meeting place of humanity who are Christians and Muslims of various nationalities. They are, after returning to the States respectively, then the coffee was introduced to the local population.
This event, led to rapidly increasing demand for coffee beans, giving rise to a very lucrative trade. Not only the merchants who make a profit, but also the farmers who gardening coffee. This explains the rapidly expanding coffee plantations.
In the further development eventually direct a lot of traders who seek agricultural land for the cultivation of coffee, especially the merchants of the nations of Europe went straight to an Arab country. Coffee trade is centered around the Mediterranean, it is not surprising then that the merchants wanted to control Africa and Asia as the colonies, in order to expand its business.
Until now we know that coffee and tea is a beverage that is very important in the Western world. Although the origin of the coffee from African countries, but according to a literature in earlier times very few indigenous people who drink coffee, although coffee consumer in the world continues to increase.
In Ethiopia, coffee is drunk with fatty foods. In addition to coffee beans that can be used as a beverage, the leaves can be brewed with hot water. Kuilit coffee can be used as a organic fertilizer / mulch. In India, the skin of coffee beans used as a livestock feed. May be sufficient here just a discussion about a brief history of coffee, because if we continue this certainly is not to be a long history of coffee instead of a brief history of coffee.
Of course it's not as good as coffee powder, but can also refresh the body, so the fans were not so widespread. Having found a way to cook a perfect ground coffee, using beans cooked then dried and powdered used as a beverage ingredient, ultimately fans of coffee quickly expanded in various areas.
Coffee beans that have been dried, then fried and crushed or ground into powder as a powder for making drinks. User countries coffee is first of all Arabia (mid XV century).
Finally, coffee beverages is widespread in the Middle Eastern countries such as in Cairo in 1510 and Constantinople (Turkey) ± in the year 1550. Later in the year 1616 this coffee started to go in Europe, namely in Venice. While in England the new coffee consumption in the year 1650. And in the year 1775, England has approximatly 3000 coffee shop.
In earlier times, drinks coffee is mainly known in the Arab States, because the State was the meeting place of humanity who are Christians and Muslims of various nationalities. They are, after returning to the States respectively, then the coffee was introduced to the local population.
This event, led to rapidly increasing demand for coffee beans, giving rise to a very lucrative trade. Not only the merchants who make a profit, but also the farmers who gardening coffee. This explains the rapidly expanding coffee plantations.
In the further development eventually direct a lot of traders who seek agricultural land for the cultivation of coffee, especially the merchants of the nations of Europe went straight to an Arab country. Coffee trade is centered around the Mediterranean, it is not surprising then that the merchants wanted to control Africa and Asia as the colonies, in order to expand its business.
Until now we know that coffee and tea is a beverage that is very important in the Western world. Although the origin of the coffee from African countries, but according to a literature in earlier times very few indigenous people who drink coffee, although coffee consumer in the world continues to increase.
In Ethiopia, coffee is drunk with fatty foods. In addition to coffee beans that can be used as a beverage, the leaves can be brewed with hot water. Kuilit coffee can be used as a organic fertilizer / mulch. In India, the skin of coffee beans used as a livestock feed. May be sufficient here just a discussion about a brief history of coffee, because if we continue this certainly is not to be a long history of coffee instead of a brief history of coffee.
Coffee Plantations and Soil Chemical Properties
Coffee plantations, and planting coffee tree need to consider the chemical properties of soil. Chemical properties of soil mentioned is included fertility and pH. In the previous article has described, that the coffee plant requires a deep soil, friable, and contains a lot of humus.
This can not be taken apart with the state soil chemical properties, because these are interrelated each other. Arable land means that many foods contain substances that are needed by plants for growth and production.
Coffee plants require a slightly acid reaction with pH of 5 ½ -6 ½. but good results are often obtained in a more acidic soil, with a record of good physical condition, with the leaves enough Ca + + ions to the physiology of food substances with a considerable amount of plant food. In more acidic soils react, can be neutralized with calcium oxide or a more precise given in the form of fertilizers, for example: powder tulang/Ca- (pO 2) + Calcium metaphospat / Ca (pO 2).
In general, more acidic soils containing minerals is lower. Although the terms relating to the land can be filled with good, but the coffee plantation company that's not necessarily beneficial, because they still have to pay attention to other factors, especially climate.
This can not be taken apart with the state soil chemical properties, because these are interrelated each other. Arable land means that many foods contain substances that are needed by plants for growth and production.
Coffee plants require a slightly acid reaction with pH of 5 ½ -6 ½. but good results are often obtained in a more acidic soil, with a record of good physical condition, with the leaves enough Ca + + ions to the physiology of food substances with a considerable amount of plant food. In more acidic soils react, can be neutralized with calcium oxide or a more precise given in the form of fertilizers, for example: powder tulang/Ca- (pO 2) + Calcium metaphospat / Ca (pO 2).
In general, more acidic soils containing minerals is lower. Although the terms relating to the land can be filled with good, but the coffee plantation company that's not necessarily beneficial, because they still have to pay attention to other factors, especially climate.
Coffee Plantations and the Soil
Coffee plantations need to consider the physical properties of soil on coffee trees. Soil physical properties include texture, structure, water, and air in the soil. Land to plant coffee varies, according to a state where the plant. In general, the coffee plants require in the upper layers of soil, friable, fertile, humus and contains a lot of permeable, or in other words, the texture of the soil should be good.
Structure / texture of the soil is good, for example soil derived from volcanic ash, or that contain enough sand. Circulation of air and water in the soil, will run properly. Land for coffee plantations should not have that shallow ground water, as it can rot the roots. At least 3 m depth of ground water from the surface. The roots of coffee plants have a high oxygen demand, that means the soil that poorly drained and heavy clay is not suitable. Besides the land was difficult to penetrate the roots, water and air circulation will become bad.
Heavy sandy soil, in general, less moisture capacity, because it is less able to bind water. Besides heavy sand soil also contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen is needed by coffee plants, especially in vegetative growth. This can be evidenced in the growth of plants in the jungle lands newly opened. In general, plants are growing and the result is very satisfactory, since humus contains a variety of substances that are needed by plants for growth and fruiting.
On land planted with coffee repeatedly (replanted) growth and the results are less satisfactory. So if this is deemed necessary to re-plant should be replaced with plants that are not similar, because different plants of coffee plantations need different nutrients as well.
Structure / texture of the soil is good, for example soil derived from volcanic ash, or that contain enough sand. Circulation of air and water in the soil, will run properly. Land for coffee plantations should not have that shallow ground water, as it can rot the roots. At least 3 m depth of ground water from the surface. The roots of coffee plants have a high oxygen demand, that means the soil that poorly drained and heavy clay is not suitable. Besides the land was difficult to penetrate the roots, water and air circulation will become bad.
Heavy sandy soil, in general, less moisture capacity, because it is less able to bind water. Besides heavy sand soil also contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen is needed by coffee plants, especially in vegetative growth. This can be evidenced in the growth of plants in the jungle lands newly opened. In general, plants are growing and the result is very satisfactory, since humus contains a variety of substances that are needed by plants for growth and fruiting.
On land planted with coffee repeatedly (replanted) growth and the results are less satisfactory. So if this is deemed necessary to re-plant should be replaced with plants that are not similar, because different plants of coffee plantations need different nutrients as well.
Coffee Producing Countries
Coffee is a tropical plant species, which can grow anywhere, except in places too high a temperature is very cold or arid areas that are not suitable for plant life.Coffee producing countries can be seen on Coffee-growing regions.
In these maps will be viewable areas suitable for coffee plants or areas that can not be planted, for example:
>> In the northern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean and tropical regions in the Sahara desert in the arid parts of the Arab countries do not match. Similarly, in the southern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean and northern Australia where the land is very barren, then both the area planted with coffee is not suitable.
>> In southern latitudes which fits / can be planted with coffee, for example countries: Panama, Brazil and Natal region, South Africa.
In the tropics there is no area or a rather large island that would not be planted with coffee. List of coffee producing countries seen in the following table:
Table above shows the various coffee producing countries in the world. Of course these things can not be taken apart with the eradication of pests and diseases. Thus large areas should be followed with good maintenance.
A good quality of coffee depends on the type of seed planted, climatic conditions, height and other places, and all of which can affect the development of pests and diseases. Similarly, the weather was very influential on the production of coffee producing countries in the world.
![]() |
rough picture of coffee prouding regions |
In these maps will be viewable areas suitable for coffee plants or areas that can not be planted, for example:
>> In the northern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean and tropical regions in the Sahara desert in the arid parts of the Arab countries do not match. Similarly, in the southern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean and northern Australia where the land is very barren, then both the area planted with coffee is not suitable.
>> In southern latitudes which fits / can be planted with coffee, for example countries: Panama, Brazil and Natal region, South Africa.
In the tropics there is no area or a rather large island that would not be planted with coffee. List of coffee producing countries seen in the following table:
1 | Brazil |
2 | Vietnam |
3 | Colombia |
4 | Indonesia |
5 | Mexico |
6 | India |
7 | Ethiopia |
8 | Guatemala |
9 | Honduras |
10 | Peru |
Table above shows the various coffee producing countries in the world. Of course these things can not be taken apart with the eradication of pests and diseases. Thus large areas should be followed with good maintenance.
A good quality of coffee depends on the type of seed planted, climatic conditions, height and other places, and all of which can affect the development of pests and diseases. Similarly, the weather was very influential on the production of coffee producing countries in the world.
Kona Coffee Plantation
Before talking about Kona Coffee Plantation you may already know that the Kona Coffee is the coffee that comes from the Kona area. The same coffee that planted in other areas can not be called Kona Coffee. Kona is an area located in the Big Island of Hawaii. Kona has several areas with microclimate that very suitable for Kona Coffee Plantation.
As we know, Kona Coffee is one of the rare coffee with premium quality. In terms of price, Kona Coffee included to one of the most expensive coffee in the world. Perhaps because the price is 'already' expensive and the Kona Coffee Plantation area is limited (remember Coffee Plantation outside Kona cannot be called as Kona Coffee Plantation), makes manufacturers compete to accentuate his Kona Coffee excellence than others. For Example, in the case of Kona Coffee Plantation, some manufacturers may add 'added value' of the label 'organic farming'.
As we know, one of the criteria of organic farming is not wearing the herbicide and pesticide in the plantation. It certainly makes the crop fewer than the ordinary Kona Coffee Plantaion. And of course it makes the organic Kona Coffee Plantaion more expensive than ordinary Kona Coffee Plantaion. But i think it has a specific market share for those who wants more than just premium Kona Coffee.
But some of the Kona Coffee producer do not stop there to inovating. Currently they make Kona Coffee Plantation as an tourist destination. You can see on some Kona Coffee website offering tour packages on Kona Coffee Plantation as well as selling Kona Coffee.
As we know, Kona Coffee is one of the rare coffee with premium quality. In terms of price, Kona Coffee included to one of the most expensive coffee in the world. Perhaps because the price is 'already' expensive and the Kona Coffee Plantation area is limited (remember Coffee Plantation outside Kona cannot be called as Kona Coffee Plantation), makes manufacturers compete to accentuate his Kona Coffee excellence than others. For Example, in the case of Kona Coffee Plantation, some manufacturers may add 'added value' of the label 'organic farming'.
As we know, one of the criteria of organic farming is not wearing the herbicide and pesticide in the plantation. It certainly makes the crop fewer than the ordinary Kona Coffee Plantaion. And of course it makes the organic Kona Coffee Plantaion more expensive than ordinary Kona Coffee Plantaion. But i think it has a specific market share for those who wants more than just premium Kona Coffee.
But some of the Kona Coffee producer do not stop there to inovating. Currently they make Kona Coffee Plantation as an tourist destination. You can see on some Kona Coffee website offering tour packages on Kona Coffee Plantation as well as selling Kona Coffee.
Hawaii Kona Coffee
Some people may ask about the Hawaii Kona Coffee or Hawaiian
Kona Coffee. As we have discuss in previous articles, Kona Coffee is a trademark of Arabica Coffee that harvested from
the area of Kona, Hawaii. Therefore not all arabica coffee can be called as
Kona Coffee. Only coffee that grown in the Kona area could be called Kona
Coffee. And since Kona is located in Hawaii, most people refer to it as Hawaii Kona Coffee or Hawaiian Kona Coffee. Though the
mention of Kona Coffee alone may be sufficient because Kona is located in
The interesting thing is the words “only coffee grown in the Kona area who could be called as Kona Coffee”. It means if we have the same coffee tree, it can not be called Kona Coffee or Hawaiian Kona Coffee if it does not grown in the area if Kona, Hawaii. Perhaps because of this fact, Hawaiian Kona Coffee became a very rare commodity (see article on Kona Coffee Plantation).
Economic laws also apply in these conditions. As you know, when demand is higher than supply of a commodity, the next things that happens is the price of the commodity becomes high. No wonder the Kona Coffee or Hawaii Kona Coffee became one of the most expensive coffee in the world.
Due to the small quantity and expensive price, most producers now market a variety of Kona Coffee called "Kona Coffee Blends". What is Kona Coffee Blends? Kona Coffee Blends is blend of (minimum) 10% Kona Coffee with 90% of cheap coffee. For ordinary coffee drinker, maybe this is not a big problem. But for the true coffee lover, maybe they will looking for pure Kona Coffee.
If you want to find pure Kona Coffee, you need to be careful in looking at the label of the Kona Coffee products. Pure Kona Coffee is usually labeled "100% Kona Coffee". I hope the information above regarding the Hawaii Kona Coffee can be useful for you.
The interesting thing is the words “only coffee grown in the Kona area who could be called as Kona Coffee”. It means if we have the same coffee tree, it can not be called Kona Coffee or Hawaiian Kona Coffee if it does not grown in the area if Kona, Hawaii. Perhaps because of this fact, Hawaiian Kona Coffee became a very rare commodity (see article on Kona Coffee Plantation).
Economic laws also apply in these conditions. As you know, when demand is higher than supply of a commodity, the next things that happens is the price of the commodity becomes high. No wonder the Kona Coffee or Hawaii Kona Coffee became one of the most expensive coffee in the world.
Due to the small quantity and expensive price, most producers now market a variety of Kona Coffee called "Kona Coffee Blends". What is Kona Coffee Blends? Kona Coffee Blends is blend of (minimum) 10% Kona Coffee with 90% of cheap coffee. For ordinary coffee drinker, maybe this is not a big problem. But for the true coffee lover, maybe they will looking for pure Kona Coffee.
If you want to find pure Kona Coffee, you need to be careful in looking at the label of the Kona Coffee products. Pure Kona Coffee is usually labeled "100% Kona Coffee". I hope the information above regarding the Hawaii Kona Coffee can be useful for you.
Kona Coffee
Kona Coffee is one of the most expensive coffee in the world. Kona coffee is a trademark for arabica coffee (see the article on coffee arabica) grown in the area of Hualalai and Mauna Loa in the North and South Kona Districts of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Kona Coffee trademark is introduced by an English named Henry Nicholas Greenwell. However, Greenwell is not the person who first brought coffee to Kona. Reverend Samuel Ruggles was the one who brought this coffee in 1828.
Not all arabica coffee can be called as Kona Coffee. Only Coffee cultivated in the North and South districts of Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii that can be called as Kona Coffee.
To buy 100% pure Kona Coffee, we need to check the label. If it says "Kona Coffee Blend" it means the coffee was only contains 10% Kona Coffee. It is blended with other lower grade coffee. If you buy Kona Coffee, you are advised to buy it in the form of whole coffee beans. This will keep the freshness of the Kona Coffee flavor for about 3 months if stored in an airtight container.
Kona Coffee trademark is introduced by an English named Henry Nicholas Greenwell. However, Greenwell is not the person who first brought coffee to Kona. Reverend Samuel Ruggles was the one who brought this coffee in 1828.
Not all arabica coffee can be called as Kona Coffee. Only Coffee cultivated in the North and South districts of Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii that can be called as Kona Coffee.
To buy 100% pure Kona Coffee, we need to check the label. If it says "Kona Coffee Blend" it means the coffee was only contains 10% Kona Coffee. It is blended with other lower grade coffee. If you buy Kona Coffee, you are advised to buy it in the form of whole coffee beans. This will keep the freshness of the Kona Coffee flavor for about 3 months if stored in an airtight container.
Caffeine and Pregnancy
I was one of the curious to the relationship between caffeine and pregnancy. This is because my wife is pregnant. Some time ago when we went to the doctor for a routine pregnancy checks, we get advice in terms of caffeine and pregnancy. And as you probably guessed, the advice we received about pregnancy is that my wife should not consume coffee during her pregnancy. Well that directly into my mind is, why there are restrictions for pregnant women to consume coffee.
As we know, caffeine in coffee is one important kompunen in coffee. My wife explained, based on information he got from the 'here and there', that caffeine is a diuretic that makes people want to dispose of the water quickly, which certainly would be uncomfortable for a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman, without a diureticsubstance alone is frequent urination, what if coupled with a diuretic agent. Sure will be increased urination frequency.
The second consideration is that caffeine can narrow blood vessels, whereas bloodvessels is a way for the fetus to get nutrition. Therefore, it is feared that the caffeinewill reduce the intake of nutrients to the fetus. As soon as our assumptions in terms ofthe relationship of caffeine and pregnancy. However, the assumption is not enoughfor me. Need more definitive information.
From surf to multiple sites on the internet, I found other things more important in the relationship between caffeine and pregnancy, which is the assumption about the risks of caffeine to miscarriage. According to sources, it reinforced by several studies showing the link of caffeineconsumption and risk of miscarriage. But the information only stopped to link suggest only, because cause and effect in this case is unclear. Is caffeine really makes the risk of miscarriage or low-risk pregnant women who miscarry are less likely to drink caffeinated beverages.
Things that can be ascertained so far is that there are two kinds of mechanisms have been hypothesized about the relationship of caffeine and miscarriage. The first is thatcaffeine can easily pass through the placental barrier. This means, caffeine can enter the body of the fetus. It requires attention, because for some adults, drinkingcaffeinated beverages can sometimes be a problem, what if caffeine is received by the fetus directly. The second mechanism is - as we have discussed above - which iscaffeine can narrow blood vessels, whereas it is the way of nutrients to the fetus. From it all, then I think the safest way in terms of caffeine and pregnancy is that pregnant women should not consume caffeinated beverages altogether.
As we know, caffeine in coffee is one important kompunen in coffee. My wife explained, based on information he got from the 'here and there', that caffeine is a diuretic that makes people want to dispose of the water quickly, which certainly would be uncomfortable for a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman, without a diureticsubstance alone is frequent urination, what if coupled with a diuretic agent. Sure will be increased urination frequency.
The second consideration is that caffeine can narrow blood vessels, whereas bloodvessels is a way for the fetus to get nutrition. Therefore, it is feared that the caffeinewill reduce the intake of nutrients to the fetus. As soon as our assumptions in terms ofthe relationship of caffeine and pregnancy. However, the assumption is not enoughfor me. Need more definitive information.
From surf to multiple sites on the internet, I found other things more important in the relationship between caffeine and pregnancy, which is the assumption about the risks of caffeine to miscarriage. According to sources, it reinforced by several studies showing the link of caffeineconsumption and risk of miscarriage. But the information only stopped to link suggest only, because cause and effect in this case is unclear. Is caffeine really makes the risk of miscarriage or low-risk pregnant women who miscarry are less likely to drink caffeinated beverages.
Things that can be ascertained so far is that there are two kinds of mechanisms have been hypothesized about the relationship of caffeine and miscarriage. The first is thatcaffeine can easily pass through the placental barrier. This means, caffeine can enter the body of the fetus. It requires attention, because for some adults, drinkingcaffeinated beverages can sometimes be a problem, what if caffeine is received by the fetus directly. The second mechanism is - as we have discussed above - which iscaffeine can narrow blood vessels, whereas it is the way of nutrients to the fetus. From it all, then I think the safest way in terms of caffeine and pregnancy is that pregnant women should not consume caffeinated beverages altogether.
Caffeine Effects on Blood Pressure
Caffeine effects on blood pressure has been the concern some people. This is because caffeine is a very common substance that we met (read: what is caffeine).Knowingly or not, caffeine is not just enter into the human body through drinkingcoffee, but also a drink that comes from processed cola and tea.
One of [caffeine effect] that is sometimes asked by some people is caffeine effect onblood pressure. Caffeine can increase blood pressure dramatically. One work of caffeine in the human body is to narrow the blood vessels by blocking the hormonethat keeps the artery remains wide open.
Some people also have a good adaptation to caffeine. So the caffeine does not have long term effects on their bodies. But some people should be wary of caffeine effectson blood pressure, especially those who have aged over 70tahun or who are obese.
If you are experiencing health problems of high blood pressure, you should consultwith your doctor whether you should reduce caffeinated beverages. If doctors recommend limiting the number of cups of coffee in particular, we need to understandthat the content of caffeine, each brand of coffee different from each other. In addition, to avoid the caffeine effects on blood pressure maybe we should avoid drinkingcoffee before doing strenuous activity.
A simple way to see if there is caffeine effects on blood pressure in your body, is to measure your blood pressure. Technically, you can measure blood pressure beforeand after drinking caffeinated beverages. If blood pressure increased 50-10 points, it means you are sensitive to caffeine effects on blood pressure.
One of [caffeine effect] that is sometimes asked by some people is caffeine effect onblood pressure. Caffeine can increase blood pressure dramatically. One work of caffeine in the human body is to narrow the blood vessels by blocking the hormonethat keeps the artery remains wide open.
Some people also have a good adaptation to caffeine. So the caffeine does not have long term effects on their bodies. But some people should be wary of caffeine effectson blood pressure, especially those who have aged over 70tahun or who are obese.
If you are experiencing health problems of high blood pressure, you should consultwith your doctor whether you should reduce caffeinated beverages. If doctors recommend limiting the number of cups of coffee in particular, we need to understandthat the content of caffeine, each brand of coffee different from each other. In addition, to avoid the caffeine effects on blood pressure maybe we should avoid drinkingcoffee before doing strenuous activity.
A simple way to see if there is caffeine effects on blood pressure in your body, is to measure your blood pressure. Technically, you can measure blood pressure beforeand after drinking caffeinated beverages. If blood pressure increased 50-10 points, it means you are sensitive to caffeine effects on blood pressure.
What is Caffeine
Caffeine is the white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that taste bitter and contained invarious foods that are processed from the plants such as coffee, tea, and cola beans.Caffeine in the plant serves as a natural defense against insect pests. Nowadays weuse caffeine as a stimulant for the human body. We may ask, how caffeine works?Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system. Restore awareness andsleepiness resist. Therefore, caffeine is classified as a psychoactive substance.
The uniqueness of caffeine was, although he included in the category of substanceprikoaktif, caffeine is not currently regulated in the law in almost all countries in the world. Nevertheless, in earlier times we can find that in England there is a ban the establishment of a coffee shop, because it is considered as a place of deliberationtreason.
Currently beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks)popularity is so high. An estimated 90% of adults in North America consume caffeineevery day.
Caffeine is hazardous if taken in high doses. But in small amounts, caffeine is still a matter of debate among many people about whether caffeine is hazardous or caffeine is useful. In terms of the correlation between caffeine and pregnancy, untilnow there is no clear conclusion. However, the effects of caffeine that easily known to many people is diuretic, which which makes the rapid releaseof urine.
The uniqueness of caffeine was, although he included in the category of substanceprikoaktif, caffeine is not currently regulated in the law in almost all countries in the world. Nevertheless, in earlier times we can find that in England there is a ban the establishment of a coffee shop, because it is considered as a place of deliberationtreason.
Currently beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks)popularity is so high. An estimated 90% of adults in North America consume caffeineevery day.
Caffeine is hazardous if taken in high doses. But in small amounts, caffeine is still a matter of debate among many people about whether caffeine is hazardous or caffeine is useful. In terms of the correlation between caffeine and pregnancy, untilnow there is no clear conclusion. However, the effects of caffeine that easily known to many people is diuretic, which which makes the rapid releaseof urine.
Coffee Table
A coffee table is a small table, slightly elongated, and not too high, which is designed to place drinks. Coffee table is usually placed in front of the sofa in the sitting room or living room. The coffee table is suitable for putting cup of coffee. And perhaps because this called a coffee table.
Although the general coffee table has the same purpose-to put drinks coffee / other beverage-but currently we can find a variety of coffee table that has additional functions, for example, a coffee table that can be used to store magazines, books, and other small goods.
In terms of diversity of models and shapes, today we can find an assortment of coffee table. Starting from simple to complex shapes. Ranging from elegant style to odd style. Furthermore, if we have the acquaintance of a designer and carpenter, maybe we can order a coffee table to suit our taste or style.
Although the general coffee table has the same purpose-to put drinks coffee / other beverage-but currently we can find a variety of coffee table that has additional functions, for example, a coffee table that can be used to store magazines, books, and other small goods.
In terms of diversity of models and shapes, today we can find an assortment of coffee table. Starting from simple to complex shapes. Ranging from elegant style to odd style. Furthermore, if we have the acquaintance of a designer and carpenter, maybe we can order a coffee table to suit our taste or style.
Too Much Caffeine, How Much
Some people might be curious about the level considered as too much caffeine. This is because most people rely on caffeine as an aid to keep them awake and more ready in the morning. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, improve concentration and focus, reduce fatigue and increase wakefulness. But some of you may be wondering, how much caffeine is called as too much caffeine?
For most healthy adults, moderate amounts of caffeine may not harmful. This moderate amount of caffeine is 200-300 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to 2-4 cups of brewed coffee perday.
But for people who have certain health problems, a moderateamount may be dangerous. This mainly occurs in people who are sensitive to caffeine. people who are very sensitive to caffeine, justdrink a cup of brewed coffee may have had problems sleeping, a beat fast heart and others.
People who are not accustomed to drinking coffee, may also beexperiencing problems when suddenly receiving large amounts of caffeine intake. Thus it can be concluded that the level of tolerance to caffeine iseveryone varies. Several factors that affect the body's tolerance to the amount of caffeine include: age, health condition, and mostimportant is the body's sensitivity to caffeine.
Too much caffeine can lead to sleep disorders. some sources evensay that caffeine may interact with certain medications. therefore, ifwe liked to drink coffee, it's good when we get medicine from a doctor, we ask whether these drugs interact with caffeine or not.
For most healthy adults, moderate amounts of caffeine may not harmful. This moderate amount of caffeine is 200-300 milligrams of caffeine, equivalent to 2-4 cups of brewed coffee perday.
But for people who have certain health problems, a moderateamount may be dangerous. This mainly occurs in people who are sensitive to caffeine. people who are very sensitive to caffeine, justdrink a cup of brewed coffee may have had problems sleeping, a beat fast heart and others.
People who are not accustomed to drinking coffee, may also beexperiencing problems when suddenly receiving large amounts of caffeine intake. Thus it can be concluded that the level of tolerance to caffeine iseveryone varies. Several factors that affect the body's tolerance to the amount of caffeine include: age, health condition, and mostimportant is the body's sensitivity to caffeine.
Too much caffeine can lead to sleep disorders. some sources evensay that caffeine may interact with certain medications. therefore, ifwe liked to drink coffee, it's good when we get medicine from a doctor, we ask whether these drugs interact with caffeine or not.
White Coffee
In many English-speaking countries, white coffee refer to the ordinary black coffee added with milk, cream or other 'whitener'. Although the term unheard in the United States, in New York City it may be named as 'light coffee', 'coffee with milk', etc. In this particular coffee, corn syrup and dairy milk may be used as a 'creamer'. While sugar cane, or artificial substance can be used as a sweetener.
If you ever heard the term cafe au lait, you should be able to distinguish it from white coffee. Although both use milk, Cafe' au Lait using steamed milk whereas white coffee using room-temperature milk.
In the United States, usually white coffee refers to coffee beans which has been roasted to yellow roasted level. 'Nut like' is the character that can be used to describe the flavor of this white coffee.
Malaysia is also familiar with the term white coffee. In Malaysia, white coffee refers to the white coffee that comes from the city of Ipoh. Coffee bean that roasted with margarine, brewed and served with sweetened condensed creamy color, is a picture of Malaysian white coffee.
Yemen is also familiar with the term white coffee. In the Country that known for its mocha, white coffee, refers to a type of drink made from the shells of coffee beans that brewed, and added with spices. Meanwhile in Beirut, instead of coffee drink, white coffee referred to herbal tea made from orange blossom water.

In the United States, usually white coffee refers to coffee beans which has been roasted to yellow roasted level. 'Nut like' is the character that can be used to describe the flavor of this white coffee.
Malaysia is also familiar with the term white coffee. In Malaysia, white coffee refers to the white coffee that comes from the city of Ipoh. Coffee bean that roasted with margarine, brewed and served with sweetened condensed creamy color, is a picture of Malaysian white coffee.
Yemen is also familiar with the term white coffee. In the Country that known for its mocha, white coffee, refers to a type of drink made from the shells of coffee beans that brewed, and added with spices. Meanwhile in Beirut, instead of coffee drink, white coffee referred to herbal tea made from orange blossom water.
Luwak Animal, Animal that eats coffee beans
Admittedly, the sources describing the Luwak animal, animal that eats coffee beans not as many sources that discuss the president :). Some names for these animals include Civet, Luwak or Mongoneese. Here is a brief overview of Luwak, which is associated with Luwak coffee.
In general, this type of Luwak or civet can be divided into three species as follow:
1. Weasel or Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites)
2. Chocolate Weasel Jerdoni (Paradoxurus jerdoni)
3. Weasel Gold (Paradoxurus zeylonensis)
In addition to these three types, there are about 65 subspecies of Luwak Animal in worldwide, including subspecies rindjanicus and sumbanus in Indonesia, the country of origin Luwak coffee.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Viverridae
Genus: Paradoxurus
Species: Paradoxurus hermaphrodites
In general, this type of Luwak or civet can be divided into three species as follow:
1. Weasel or Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites)
2. Chocolate Weasel Jerdoni (Paradoxurus jerdoni)
3. Weasel Gold (Paradoxurus zeylonensis)
In addition to these three types, there are about 65 subspecies of Luwak Animal in worldwide, including subspecies rindjanicus and sumbanus in Indonesia, the country of origin Luwak coffee.
Coffee powder
We can meet a variety of coffee powder in the world. In terms of level of subtlety, coffee powder can be divided into several types. Here are some of names of coffee powder, according to level of subtlety.
Turkish is the finest powder. Coffee powder is usually made into instant coffee.
Cone is a type of coffee powder, made into drinks using coffee maker with a cone-like tip.
Drip Coffee
Drip coffee is a type of coffee powder is made into a beverage coffee machines that use a flat tip.
Coarse coffee powder are the most rugged, made using a tool called the French press coffee maker. French Press coffee maker is a tool the size of a large glass cylinder, made of glass or clear plastic, equipped with lids and similar plates that fit the size of cylinder pressure. This tool comes with a nylon fabric that serves as a filter for coffee grounds.
Therefore if you intend to make your own coffee at home, make sure the type of coffee powder subtlety is suitable to coffee drink you want to make.
Turkish is the finest powder. Coffee powder is usually made into instant coffee.
Cone is a type of coffee powder, made into drinks using coffee maker with a cone-like tip.
Drip Coffee
Drip coffee is a type of coffee powder is made into a beverage coffee machines that use a flat tip.
Coarse coffee powder are the most rugged, made using a tool called the French press coffee maker. French Press coffee maker is a tool the size of a large glass cylinder, made of glass or clear plastic, equipped with lids and similar plates that fit the size of cylinder pressure. This tool comes with a nylon fabric that serves as a filter for coffee grounds.
Therefore if you intend to make your own coffee at home, make sure the type of coffee powder subtlety is suitable to coffee drink you want to make.
Kopi Luwak Taste
To know the kopi luwak taste, first we must knowing the process of making kopi luwak. It start of the collection of the coffee bean that come along with the civet droppings. The civet droppings that contain coffee baean, can be collected from wild civet droppings that live in the wild and can also be collected from civet droppings that live in captivity.
The process starts from ripe coffee fruit (ripe cherries)eaten by the civet. In the stomach, the coffee fruit is processed by the proteolytic enzymes. Research conducted by a researcher of food, Massimo Marcone at the University of Guelph, Canada showed that the endogenoussecretion of digestive civet seep into the coffee beans.
Secretion of proteolytic enzymes break down the proteins contained in coffee beans. The result, peptides and free amino acids is reduced.Temporary hypothesis, says that the change in the amount of protein and free amino acids produces the unique taste of kopi luwak.
Meanwhile, processing of roasting coffee produces mailard browning reaction (browning reaction) of the proteins, amino acids,trigonelin, serotonin with carbohydrates, hidroksilat acids, phenols, etc..
Indeed, there is need for further research on the chemical processes that occur after eating the fruit civet coffee. However, anyreactions that occur during digestion in the stomach civet coffee beans, including the final assessment of kopi luwak taste, performed on stage organoleptic (cupping test).

Secretion of proteolytic enzymes break down the proteins contained in coffee beans. The result, peptides and free amino acids is reduced.Temporary hypothesis, says that the change in the amount of protein and free amino acids produces the unique taste of kopi luwak.
Meanwhile, processing of roasting coffee produces mailard browning reaction (browning reaction) of the proteins, amino acids,trigonelin, serotonin with carbohydrates, hidroksilat acids, phenols, etc..
Indeed, there is need for further research on the chemical processes that occur after eating the fruit civet coffee. However, anyreactions that occur during digestion in the stomach civet coffee beans, including the final assessment of kopi luwak taste, performed on stage organoleptic (cupping test).
Kopi Luwak History
Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee is coffee that come from Indonesia. Initially, coffee cultivation experiments carried out by the Dutch at various locations in Indonesia. Coffee plants can grow well and the yields are also good in there. At the past time, Indonesia was the Dutch colony and coffee is a marketable commodity of Europe. In that time, coffee is a obligatory for Indonesian farmers plant.

Ironically, farmer workers may not take the coffee harvest. Farmer workers in this context is that workers paid by employer and prohibited from taking coffee bean harvest. Prohibition is then developed. By this prohibition, the folklore of civet coffee discovery take the basic.
Reputedly, around the 19th century in Central Java, a Farmer workers discovered civet droppings around the coffee plantation. There are coffee beans that are still intact in it. A very high (or too high) curiosity makes him do 'reckless'. The feces is taken home and treated like any other coffee beans before it eventually brewed and ... drunk.
Although drinking civet droppings is a unusual thing, but the more unusual is what happened next. The farmer worker like it and told to another farmer worker about it. And so they enjoy this coffee clandestinely. It continues to happen until one day the head of estates and planters find out about this 'new coffee'. Apparently this 'new coffee' favored by the coffee connoisseur. Therefore, the head of the plantation workers and planters asking farmers to collect the beans from the civet dung with the lure of wages given.
In Java, the civet which drop the bean for civet coffee called as Luwak and the word 'coffee' spelled as kopi. Therefore the civet coffee also known as Kopi Luwak (besides known as the most expensive coffee in the world). Although this story does not have a written historical source, but this is the most plausible story that I found for the history of civet coffee or Kopi Luwak history.
Caffeine in Decaf Coffee
Caffeine in decaf coffee is a pretty interesting thing to talk about. This is because decaf coffee is considered as a caffeine-free coffee. But some people may wonder:
1. Is decaf coffee decaffeinated literally?
2. How free is the caffeine content of decaf coffee?
Or if you include people who are not too sure with the ads 'decaffeinated coffee', you might ask;
3. How much caffeine in decaf coffee?
4. How much amount of caffeine in decaf coffee
To answer this question, we can see the standard of decaf coffee. At least there are two standards used on decaf coffee in the world. The first standard is the International Standard. International standards set 97% of the caffeine contained in coffee should be removed.
The second standard is the European Union Standards. To meet European Union standards, 99.9 percent of caffeine must be removed from the coffee. From both the above standards, we can find that actually decaf coffee still contains caffeine although in a very small amount.
However, some coffee fans who have health problems, usually making decaf coffee as one of the solutions to be able to enjoy coffee. Well, from here another issue arise. Some people may ask:
'My neighbor is a decaf coffee drinker and he was having problems with his health. Is decaf coffee good for health? '
To understand the the case above, we need to explore the story behind that question. 'Does the person drink decaf coffee and then having health problems, or the person is experiencing health problems so that he can only drink decaf coffee?'. Information about this problem can even become an important data for the study of the effects of Caffeine in Decaf Coffee on health.
1. Is decaf coffee decaffeinated literally?
2. How free is the caffeine content of decaf coffee?
Or if you include people who are not too sure with the ads 'decaffeinated coffee', you might ask;
3. How much caffeine in decaf coffee?
4. How much amount of caffeine in decaf coffee
To answer this question, we can see the standard of decaf coffee. At least there are two standards used on decaf coffee in the world. The first standard is the International Standard. International standards set 97% of the caffeine contained in coffee should be removed.
The second standard is the European Union Standards. To meet European Union standards, 99.9 percent of caffeine must be removed from the coffee. From both the above standards, we can find that actually decaf coffee still contains caffeine although in a very small amount.
However, some coffee fans who have health problems, usually making decaf coffee as one of the solutions to be able to enjoy coffee. Well, from here another issue arise. Some people may ask:
'My neighbor is a decaf coffee drinker and he was having problems with his health. Is decaf coffee good for health? '
To understand the the case above, we need to explore the story behind that question. 'Does the person drink decaf coffee and then having health problems, or the person is experiencing health problems so that he can only drink decaf coffee?'. Information about this problem can even become an important data for the study of the effects of Caffeine in Decaf Coffee on health.
Decaf Coffee - What is Decaf Coffee
Decaf Coffee or decaffeinated coffee is coffee beans that have been through a series of treatments to produce caffeine-free coffee. As we can find in the dictionary, 'decaffeinated' is an adjective word described as 'with most or all of the caffeine removed'. The process to get decaf coffee called Decaffeination.
Decaffeination is usually done on coffee beans, cocoa, tea leaves and other materials that contain caffeine.
Despite coffee has been through decaffeination, actually it still contain a little bit of caffein. Caffeine remaining in decaf coffee ranging from 0.1% to 3%, depending on which decaffeination standard is applied. If using European Union's standard, the caffeine allowed to remain in decaff coffee is 0.1%. In other words, approximately 99.9% of the caffeine in decaf coffee should be gone to meet European Union standards. Meanwhile, if using International standard, the coffee must lost 97% of its caffeine.
The decaffeination process usually performed on unroasted coffee beans or green bean. Firstly the bean steamed. The next step is rinse the coffee bean with solvent to extract the caffeine but leave other essensial substance in the coffee beans. This step usually repeated from 8 to 12 times depends on the standard that desired. There are several method to get decaf coffee. These methods such as;
The Swiss Water Process is decaffeination developed by the Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company. The process is quite simple and can be performed by a lot of coffee roasters.
The other method, the Direct method sometimes called the 'natural process' because this method uses ethyl acetate that exist in various fruits and vegetables. However, because of the impracticality in finding of ethyl acetate contained in fruits and vegetables, this process typically uses synthetic ethyl acetate.
Meanwhile, the Indirect method involves the evaporation process to separate the caffeine from other materials. The method is also known as the method of 'water-processed', although in practice it still used chemicals.
CO2 process is method known as "Supercritical fluid extraction". The terms "Supercritical fluid" refer to any substance at a temperature and pressure above its 'critical point', where distinct liquid and gas phases do not exist. In this process, caffeine and coffee beans are separated using liquid CO2 at high pressure. This process has the advantage of not using harmful chemicals to get Decaf Coffee or Decaffeinated Coffee.
Decaffeination is usually done on coffee beans, cocoa, tea leaves and other materials that contain caffeine.
Despite coffee has been through decaffeination, actually it still contain a little bit of caffein. Caffeine remaining in decaf coffee ranging from 0.1% to 3%, depending on which decaffeination standard is applied. If using European Union's standard, the caffeine allowed to remain in decaff coffee is 0.1%. In other words, approximately 99.9% of the caffeine in decaf coffee should be gone to meet European Union standards. Meanwhile, if using International standard, the coffee must lost 97% of its caffeine.
The decaffeination process usually performed on unroasted coffee beans or green bean. Firstly the bean steamed. The next step is rinse the coffee bean with solvent to extract the caffeine but leave other essensial substance in the coffee beans. This step usually repeated from 8 to 12 times depends on the standard that desired. There are several method to get decaf coffee. These methods such as;
- Roselius process
- Swiss Water Process
- Direct method
- Indirect method
- CO2 process
The Swiss Water Process is decaffeination developed by the Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company. The process is quite simple and can be performed by a lot of coffee roasters.
The other method, the Direct method sometimes called the 'natural process' because this method uses ethyl acetate that exist in various fruits and vegetables. However, because of the impracticality in finding of ethyl acetate contained in fruits and vegetables, this process typically uses synthetic ethyl acetate.
Meanwhile, the Indirect method involves the evaporation process to separate the caffeine from other materials. The method is also known as the method of 'water-processed', although in practice it still used chemicals.
CO2 process is method known as "Supercritical fluid extraction". The terms "Supercritical fluid" refer to any substance at a temperature and pressure above its 'critical point', where distinct liquid and gas phases do not exist. In this process, caffeine and coffee beans are separated using liquid CO2 at high pressure. This process has the advantage of not using harmful chemicals to get Decaf Coffee or Decaffeinated Coffee.
Caffeine in Coffee

Caffeine in coffee is vary for each kind of coffee. Caffeine in coffee Arabica reached 1.5%. While the caffeine in coffee Robusta reach 2.8%, or about 2 times compared to arabica coffee.
The effects of caffeine in coffee is used by many people to help work effectiveness. Caffeine in coffee can stimulate adenosine so that the body no longer sleepy, emerged fresh and happy feeling, focused mind, faster heart beat. In addition, the liver will release blood sugar so that someone would feel to get extra energy.
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Caffein in coffe Robusta vs Arabica |
But if the body is already very tired, drinking coffee could be counterproductive. Coffee will make the heart beat faster and can result in feelings of worry because the body needs a break. So if we decide to sleep in such circumstances, we can get bad quality of sleep, or even worse, can not sleep at all.
Back to the matter of coffee, caffeine in coffee are generally not directly influence the taste of coffee. Caffeine accounts for less than 10% of bitterness of coffee. In some types of coffee, caffeine also plays a role in influencing the viscosity of the steeping coffee.
Levels of caffeine in coffee is also used as a consideration to make coffee blends. Some people are very sensitive to caffeine in coffee. If we want coffee without coffee, we can choose decaf coffee or decaffeinated coffee. This is the kind of coffee that has been through a series of treatments that resulting coffee with low-level caffeine or almost none. Since the caffeine in decaf coffee is almost nothing, this coffee can be a great option for people who are sensitive to caffeine in coffee.
Organic Coffee - What is Organic Coffee
Organic coffee is coffee grown according to organic farming standards, without any chemicals such as pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or herbicides. Organic farming systems are a form of agriculture that relies on a variety of techniques including biological pest control, use of green manure, compost and crop rotation systems.

"Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.."
What are the advantages of organic coffee?
The advantage of organic coffee is the advantage of ecosystems. As we know, pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other chemicals slowly destroy the soil's fertility and seep into local water supplies. Organic coffee can maintain the ecosystem balance because it does not use chemicals.
In addition, organic coffee farms also help save the ecosystem of deforestation.
Why organic coffee could save the forest from deforestation?
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Organic Coffee Plantation |
Coffee trees do not naturally grow in direct sunlight. It need big trees to create shade. These trees also provide habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife. But this moment the coffee industry has develop sun resistant coffee tree to increase the coffee production. With this new variant of coffee tree, the coffee farm no longer require large trees to protect the coffee tree. As the consequences, each new opening coffee farm, every large tree in the forest will be cut. The organic coffee farm will save the forest because it need the tree.
However, organic coffee farming requires higher production costs compared to conventional coffee farming. As the result, the price of organic coffee beans become more expensive. Therefore, organic coffee production is currently only about 1% of total world coffee production.
Tips to Enjoy Coffee
If you decide to make your own coffee at home, here some tips may help you to better enjoy the coffee you make.
1 Enjoy while hot
The aroma of the coffee is one of the things that define the flavor of coffee. The aroma of coffee will come out when the coffee is still hot and steaming. It will be gradually reduced when the coffee gets colder. So you should drink the coffee before it becomes cold. So you will be able to enjoy along with the the aroma of coffee. These tips do not apply to those of you who enjoy iced coffee.
2 Put into the the flask
If you feel that you are making too much coffee, you should save it into a the vacuum flask. You probably think 'why not just heated in the engine heater?' a source said that letting the coffee continually heated the same as letting meat chicken baked too long. The taste of coffee became unpleasant, and aroma fade.
3 Select snacks that fit
Snacks is one of pair to drink coffee. To consider in the choosing a snack is to choose snacks that have a character similar to the coffee taste that we enjoy. To coffee from africa that scented fruit, can be enjoyed with fruit-flavored cake. For the coffee comes from latin america, can be enjoyed with chocolate cake. While the coffee from indonesia that characterized by earth scent, can be enjoyed with crackers or peanuts.
4 Do not smoke
This is not another health advice about the dangers of smoking. But in this case, you should not drink coffee while smoke. Cigarette smoke may disrupt the aroma of coffee that you drink. Because coffee is a commodity which is very sensitive to strong scented objects around it. Therefore, the coffee should be enjoyed without smoking.
1 Enjoy while hot
The aroma of the coffee is one of the things that define the flavor of coffee. The aroma of coffee will come out when the coffee is still hot and steaming. It will be gradually reduced when the coffee gets colder. So you should drink the coffee before it becomes cold. So you will be able to enjoy along with the the aroma of coffee. These tips do not apply to those of you who enjoy iced coffee.
2 Put into the the flask
If you feel that you are making too much coffee, you should save it into a the vacuum flask. You probably think 'why not just heated in the engine heater?' a source said that letting the coffee continually heated the same as letting meat chicken baked too long. The taste of coffee became unpleasant, and aroma fade.
3 Select snacks that fit

4 Do not smoke

Coffee Trees
At least there are 70 species of coffee trees that exist in this world. Starting from the coffee tree in the form shrubs to coffee trees that have a height of 12 meters. There are two kinds of coffee trees that dominant to all types of coffee trees, namely Arabica and Robusta.
Arabica coffee is known to have a better flavor than Robusta coffee. However, the taste of the coffee can vary from different trees in the same coffee species. The difference is determined by the environment where the trees are planted. Therefore a trained barista can guess the origin of coffee beans by smell the aroma coming out from the coffee beans when roasted.
The character of the coffee beans will further apparent after brewed by hot water. Coffee from Africa and Arabia probably feel more fruity. Coffee from Indonesia feels more earthy, and coffee from Latin America has the aroma of nuts. These because a coffee tree not only sensitive to the environment but also the type of the soil, altitude and the climate where the trees are planted. A literature even mentions that other plants that planted around the coffee trees can also affect the aroma of the coffee produced.
Morphology of the coffee tree
In morphology, the vital organs in the coffee tree are as follows:
Coffee trees included in the plant that can perform self-pollinating. It because the coffee flower has pistil and pollen on it flower. The success of the pollination process is determined by climate and weather, in this case the presence or absence of rain. Pollination generally occurs after the rainy season.
Flowers on the coffee tree generally appears when the coffee trees about 2 years old. The time takes to change the coffee flower into coffee fruit are vary from one coffee tree to another.
For example, for the type of Arabica coffee, it takes 7-10 months. As for Robusta coffee, it takes 9-12 months. So the duration of the coffee flower becomes coffee fruit are depends on the type of coffee tree.
Arabica coffee is known to have a better flavor than Robusta coffee. However, the taste of the coffee can vary from different trees in the same coffee species. The difference is determined by the environment where the trees are planted. Therefore a trained barista can guess the origin of coffee beans by smell the aroma coming out from the coffee beans when roasted.
The character of the coffee beans will further apparent after brewed by hot water. Coffee from Africa and Arabia probably feel more fruity. Coffee from Indonesia feels more earthy, and coffee from Latin America has the aroma of nuts. These because a coffee tree not only sensitive to the environment but also the type of the soil, altitude and the climate where the trees are planted. A literature even mentions that other plants that planted around the coffee trees can also affect the aroma of the coffee produced.
Morphology of the coffee tree
In morphology, the vital organs in the coffee tree are as follows:
- The roots of coffee trees
- Coffee tree trunks
- Leaves of coffee trees
- Coffee trees flower
- The Coffee Fruit
- The Coffee Bean
Coffee trees included in the plant that can perform self-pollinating. It because the coffee flower has pistil and pollen on it flower. The success of the pollination process is determined by climate and weather, in this case the presence or absence of rain. Pollination generally occurs after the rainy season.
Flowers on the coffee tree generally appears when the coffee trees about 2 years old. The time takes to change the coffee flower into coffee fruit are vary from one coffee tree to another.
For example, for the type of Arabica coffee, it takes 7-10 months. As for Robusta coffee, it takes 9-12 months. So the duration of the coffee flower becomes coffee fruit are depends on the type of coffee tree.
What is Mocha
Mocha is one kind of taste that may be often
encountered, for example in ice cream, bread and other foods. In the
terms of coffee drinks, mocha reffer to Caffe Mocha
which is a variant of the Caffe Latte consisting of one
third espresso, two-thirds steamed milk, and a little extra chocolate.
Chocolate can be added here sweet cocoa powder or chocolate syrup.
The term of "mocha" is not derived from
the Italian nor French language. Caffe Mocha takes its name from the Red
Sea coastal town of Mocha, Yemen, which is the
dominant exporter of coffee in the 15th century especially around
the Arabian peninsula.
Mocha is also used to describe a type of coffee bean. Smaller and more rounded than the other varieties of coffee beans. These coffee beans is native to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is not known for sure if mocha beans has chocolate-like taste in the earlier time. However, these coffee beans does not has 'chocolate-like' taste at present time.
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caffe mocha |
Mocha is also used to describe a type of coffee bean. Smaller and more rounded than the other varieties of coffee beans. These coffee beans is native to Ethiopia and Yemen. It is not known for sure if mocha beans has chocolate-like taste in the earlier time. However, these coffee beans does not has 'chocolate-like' taste at present time.
What is a Latte
A latte --in terms of coffe-- refers to the Italian caffe latte or caffellatte meaning coffee and milk. It is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk. There is a slight difference between the traditional italian latte and the international latte. The italian original latte is not foamed.
The funny thing about the caffe latte is, when we order a latte at a restaurant, we probably get a cup of coffee instead of a cup of milk. Though in fact latte is the italian for milk.
Caffe latte is also related with Latte macchiato. Caffe latte and Latte macchiato both use steamed milk and espresso. The difference is in the Caffe latte, steamed milk added to espresso, while Latte macchiato using espresso added to steamed milk.
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Caffe Latte |
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Latte Macchiato |
What is Cappuccino
Cappucccino is one of the most famous coffee beverages in the world. Cappuccino originally came from Italy, where it is widely known as the home of a variety of complex coffee drinks. The cappuccino is one of the most difficult coffee beverages to make right. It require skill on the part of the barista-- the cappuccino maker.
A cappuccino prepared with espresso, steamed milk and milk foam at the top. The composition of the milk and milk foam distinguish the name of the cappuccino. Cappuccino can be made "wet", meaning is made with more steamed milk, or "dry" meaning made with more milk foam.
A cappuccino is traditionally served in a porcelain cup. The porcelain cup act as insulator to keep the heat of the cappuccino , as well as the foam that floats on top of it. As we know, most coffee beverages is more delicious if drunk hot. In some areas, cappuccino served with a sprinkling of chocolate or cinnamon on top. Hopefully, because we've learned about cappuccino, we can share knowledge to our friends when they ask "what is cappuccino".
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Cappuccino |
A cappuccino prepared with espresso, steamed milk and milk foam at the top. The composition of the milk and milk foam distinguish the name of the cappuccino. Cappuccino can be made "wet", meaning is made with more steamed milk, or "dry" meaning made with more milk foam.
A cappuccino is traditionally served in a porcelain cup. The porcelain cup act as insulator to keep the heat of the cappuccino , as well as the foam that floats on top of it. As we know, most coffee beverages is more delicious if drunk hot. In some areas, cappuccino served with a sprinkling of chocolate or cinnamon on top. Hopefully, because we've learned about cappuccino, we can share knowledge to our friends when they ask "what is cappuccino".
Espresso Coffee - What is Espresso
Espresso is coffee drink widely known throughout the world. But some people may be confused by what exactly espresso is. Is it the bean? Is it the roast? Is it the blend?
Espresso is simply another method of wich coffee is prepared. The method is by shooting high-pressure hot water through finely ground coffee using an Espresso machine. So, it is not the type of bean, roast or blend.
If we look up to the dictionary, we will find the definition of espresso. The definition of espresso refer to the Oxford dictioanary is coffee made by forcing boiling water under pressure through ground coffee.
The word espresso comes from the Italian 'espress' which means 'express', since the invention of the espresso machine that makes coffee faster than before. This machine was invented by Luigi Bezzera in 1901. In 1903 Desiderio Pavoni purchased the patent of this machine. The espresso machine then sold by Pavoni, as La Pavona. But this machine has the disadvantage that the resulting coffee has a burnt taste, because it uses boiling water. Until in 1938 Cremonesi create the espresso machine, with high-pressure piston that uses hot water instead of boiling water to produce a coffee with a better taste.
Espresso is made from coffee beans that roasted and milled using espresso machine. Basically espresso can be made from coffee beans of any species and varieties. A barista (espresso maker) can make espresso with a characteristic thick, dark brown and crema on top. Crema is a golden-colored soft foam that comes from the brewed coffee.
The original espresso served without sweetener or a mixture of milk and served in small glasses called 'shot'. Shot glasses are small and thick glasses that can be used to measure the number of milliliters of coffee produced. The volume of this shot glass is about 30 ml.
Because one shot espresso has a strong flavor, consistent, and thick, it has been used as the basis of a variety of coffee drinks such as cappuccino, macchiato and mocha.
If we think that the espresso is too thick, then want to dilute with a glass of water, then we will get a drink called the Caffe Americano instead of espresso. Hopefully from this article you get the answer for 'what is espresso', and not confused to another coffee drink.
Espresso is simply another method of wich coffee is prepared. The method is by shooting high-pressure hot water through finely ground coffee using an Espresso machine. So, it is not the type of bean, roast or blend.
If we look up to the dictionary, we will find the definition of espresso. The definition of espresso refer to the Oxford dictioanary is coffee made by forcing boiling water under pressure through ground coffee.
The word espresso comes from the Italian 'espress' which means 'express', since the invention of the espresso machine that makes coffee faster than before. This machine was invented by Luigi Bezzera in 1901. In 1903 Desiderio Pavoni purchased the patent of this machine. The espresso machine then sold by Pavoni, as La Pavona. But this machine has the disadvantage that the resulting coffee has a burnt taste, because it uses boiling water. Until in 1938 Cremonesi create the espresso machine, with high-pressure piston that uses hot water instead of boiling water to produce a coffee with a better taste.
Espresso is made from coffee beans that roasted and milled using espresso machine. Basically espresso can be made from coffee beans of any species and varieties. A barista (espresso maker) can make espresso with a characteristic thick, dark brown and crema on top. Crema is a golden-colored soft foam that comes from the brewed coffee.
The original espresso served without sweetener or a mixture of milk and served in small glasses called 'shot'. Shot glasses are small and thick glasses that can be used to measure the number of milliliters of coffee produced. The volume of this shot glass is about 30 ml.
Because one shot espresso has a strong flavor, consistent, and thick, it has been used as the basis of a variety of coffee drinks such as cappuccino, macchiato and mocha.
If we think that the espresso is too thick, then want to dilute with a glass of water, then we will get a drink called the Caffe Americano instead of espresso. Hopefully from this article you get the answer for 'what is espresso', and not confused to another coffee drink.
The most expensive coffee

But maybe you are wondering, why the production process of the most expensive coffee in the world must rely on civet?
This is because coffee beans in the manufacture of Kopi Luwak should be eaten first by the civet. In the stomach of the civet, coffee beans experienced a series of natural chemical process that involves specific enzymes, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. After exiting the ferret stomach, the beans are processed further to produce an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness.
"Wait a minute, so actually we drink a civet droppings?"
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Kopi Luwak Process |
The answer is "yes" and "no". "Yes" because the coffee beans out of the civet stomach. And "no" because the form of coffee beans remains intact. Moreover, in the processing of this beans of the most expensive coffee in the world is still undergoing a process of cleaning such as washing, drying, roasting and others.
Robusta Coffee
Robusta Coffee or Coffea robusta is one of the world famous coffee. Robusta coffee accounted for the second largest coffee production. Approximately one third of world coffee production is Robusta coffee.
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Robusta vs Arabica production |
This coffee trees which also known as 'Coffea canephora' originated from the African continent. Robusta coffee trees can live below the altitude of 1000 m with a temperature of 21-24° C. (Compare to the Arabica Coffee, which should be planted above the altitude of 1000 m).
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the robusta coffee origin |
Characteristics of Robusta coffee beans are as follows:
- Coffee Beans slightly rounded
- The arch coffee beans are thicker than the arabica species
- Center cut from top to bottom is almost flat
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Robusta vs Arabica Caffeine |
In the case of caffeine, coffee robusta has a higher caffeine content than arabica coffee. Caffeine content of Robusta coffee reached 2.8 percent, or approximately 2 times compared to arabica coffee.
The Robusta coffee tree can reach the height of 12 metres. In general, the robusta coffee tree is more resistant to pests and weather compare to arabica coffee trees. Thus, it require less heribisida and pesticide. Robusta coffee tree also has advantages in terms of ease to care and a greater yield. As the result, it require lower production cost.
But you may wonder, why robusta coffee production actually less than the production of Arabica coffee?
'The taste' is the answer. The Arabica coffee has better taste than the Robusta coffee. Since Arabica coffee considered to have better quality, Robusta coffee usually used as a mixture of low-grade coffee and instant coffee.
Arabica Coffee - Coffea arabica
Arabica Coffee or Coffea arabica, is the first type of coffee to to be cultivated. This type of coffee is also the most widely produced coffee in the world. Approximately two thirds of world coffee production is Arabica Coffee. Arabica coffee is well planted, at an altitude of 1000 - 2100 meters above sea level. At this altitude the air temperature ranges between 16-20 °C.
Produced coffee taste getting better with higher planting sites. Therefore, the coffee plantations are usually only found in areas with a certain height.
Arabica coffee beans has some characteristics are as follows:
Arabica coffee has several kinds of varieties. These coffee varieties are known to have good quality, such as Typica and Bourbon varieties. Even so, both varieties are vulnerable to pests and diseases. But this time has developed a variety of arabica coffee varieties that are resistant to disease, for example Catimor, Sarchimor, Icatu, Columbia etc.
Caffeine content of arabica coffee is relatively lower than other types of Robusta Coffee (types of coffee with the world's second-largest production). The caffeine content of Arabica Coffee is no more than 1.5 percent.
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Arabica vs Robusta altitude |
Produced coffee taste getting better with higher planting sites. Therefore, the coffee plantations are usually only found in areas with a certain height.
Arabica coffee beans has some characteristics are as follows:
- Forms of arabica coffee beans is longer than robusta coffee beans
- Field convex from coffee beans are not too much
- More luminous compared with other types of coffee beans
- Center cut on the flat part of the coffee bean is curved, not straight elongated
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arabica vs robusta production |
Caffeine content of arabica coffee is relatively lower than other types of Robusta Coffee (types of coffee with the world's second-largest production). The caffeine content of Arabica Coffee is no more than 1.5 percent.
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